Wednesday, September 21, 2011

To each his own...

ever feel like you are the ultimate slacker? The one who, in a class dedicated to study, completely voices that you never have nor ever will sincerely study.  I can't necessarily say I'm proud of it [although, I am so open about it I am positive the class has silently deemed me 'the prep'...potential failure of the college world] My nonexistent habit of studying is not due to a lack of trying. I have indeed attempted...well once.(: Okay it's not for everyone. However, it is socially frowned upon to not go to college. And to preferably gain a bachelor's degree at the least. So I enrolled in the 'College Student Success' class as recommended. One of the key points of the class is to establish good study habits and time management. Yeah.. Huge damper on my semi-effective...Okay let's be honest... my rarely effective method called Organized Chaos. But I decided to have an open mind and explore the subject since that is what intelligent college students do. Typically, I googled 'Time management method for unproductive people.' Shockingly... the results = a big fat zero! Why is that? Oh yeah! because it is common knowledge that diverse personality types have different life styles. Of course there is no google info for such a crazy idea as an organized planner for procrastinators/rationalizers! [a.k.a] ME! It would be super contradictory if there was. So I gathered my lovely thoughts on the matter...This is what I came up with? :/
The only checklist I will ever use(:

 HaHa Yeah! Welcome to the careless mind of an erratic! As for my priorities, spontaneity and adventure win over logic by a landslide! Clearly, searching deep for my inner organized, 'check list' personality won't help me with this quest to discover my [questionable] inner adult. I suppose shifting gears may help. I do have a profound, somewhat responsible droplet in me, believe it or not. I just tuck it away to preserve the fun, 'dumb blonde' persona I have worked so hard and bleached regularly to maintain ;)
We all progress at different speeds.

I do think about qualities needed to accomplish my goals... I just struggle following through. Every person has their own idea about what brings success. Mine is just a little unorthodox... okay let's face it, with my academic priority level  I was lucky to graduate high school! Nevertheless I did, and I plan on graduating college. I doubt my laid back, cross my fingers, fly by the seat of my pants habits will get me through this time. I do however have one little trick that will never fail me regardless if my professors do or not. Drum Roll Please..............................
"There is a test today? Worth 1/3 of my grade?" ha! Story of my life but I have learned that stressing and being angry at myself for not preparing better will only make the situation worse. Just brush it, flush it and carry on. The salutatorian from my high school once said, "Some people are smart at different things," and how right he is! But I still realize I have to do certain things to get all I can out of my college experience. I need to find the important things and make a plan to accomplish them [by important I do not mean hair appointments or texting that cute boy in apartment E]
You know when you become so consumed with the regular flow of your life... numb to daily difference because of structured expectations?. . . it happens to everyone. Sometimes I wonder.. is the person who we portray ourselves to be.. the real us? Are those checklist type of people dying to show their careless freedom? Are the erratic people secretly check-marking listed boxes? We become what is thought to be the only form of a successful student, parent, athlete or Wendy's employee. Whatever it is our interests drive us to do, I can't help but imagine what new and bright personalities are trapped within a 'scheduled' being.
I am going to experiment with my inner adult ;) I'm going to use a planner for 1 month and i will report back.

It will require discipline but If we don't try something new we can't become or renew who we want to be.
I will be an organized woman!
[but no guarantees] ;)

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