Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My second Family! [and the more exciting one in my opinion]

Ever feel like the world is expecting a great blog from you? The problem is I don't have that exciting of a life. I am just a friendless, jobless and hilariously clueless college girl with too many class fees, past due assignments and non effective acne creams:/ Therefore, the pressure's on to find some new life changing topics to charm all the star-struck readers back home! Then I thought to myself... I have something AMAZING to blog about, right in front of me! How could I be so foolish?! She goes by the name of Amy Lindsay Heslop. Also known as Khloe, Alice, Emily, and Ames. What an entertaining read... my roommate in all her glory! I say cheers! "Cheers to the freakin' weekend" traditionally blasting on University Parkway, Cheers to the all night Mexican food binges, to every weird and genius plot to cause epic awkward on the shuttle, to the men we so intently discuss as if we have a chance, to the 'under 20 mentality' jokes we constantly crack and are the only two laughing, and most importantly cheers to the short month and a half we have known each other! We burp and announce bodily functions way to openly! NOTHING is sacred anymore. I must say sleeping in the same room as a complete stranger is rather bonding. Her insane grandpa snore can really encourage roommate affection--not!...... I think I could make a fortune by charging people to enter the "who's snore is it anyway" contest in apartment A1235. I could even cleverly hold it at 12:35 a.m. while Emily--oh.. . . .  I mean Amy is sleeping! Okay, bad idea! Granted it would be a Village weeknight hit! But I love her to much to expose her to such a crowd, Especially in our room.. . . . that would require me to clear a path.. . . . That's not happening... sooooo back to brainstorming. I do appreciate her though mostly cause she actually uses the stove! for something more then ramen too! Fabulous isn't it. There is never a dull nor hungry moment around this girl. Not only is the home-cooked meal a perk but she cleans up her mess as well! They don't make them like that anymore. She is indeed a gem. Partake:
That's Amy Heslop! Creepin behind me as usual! ;)
Me and Amy indeed have quite the times! College is an unpredictable world! We pretty much own it! mhmm.. yeah okay we are at the bottom of the totem pole at this point.. but I hear admitting it is the first step in overcoming it!? We intend to be a big deal someday!
I have a whole new family up here! There is a constant inside joke hovering in the air! I can't even tell you how lively our apartment is until 4 a.m. I have met more people from the 'knock and walk' system in my house then I could even imagine meeting in the halls of the university. Of course 96.3% of these random introductions in my living room are with the male species [not that I'm complaining] It's fun to walk out of the shower in nothing but a towel and dripping hair to a herd of returned missionaries.. Nothing like it :/ But if you knew my roommates well enough you would definitely understand how 'regular Joe' it is to have a tell all see all lifestyle. It has been grand central station day in and day out around here! [Huge adjustment for me. Back home having company at the house meant someone passed away or... well... let's just say we never had very happy visitors] I have become rather comfortable with the endless traffic of diverse men.  I suspect because of my five Beautiful, PSYCHO and yet Fabulous roommates, each having their own 'special' traits.
Take Rhiannon for example.. She is originally from England and she actually has a real [non 007] accent! You know the one all american boys will drool at the thought of?? Yeah! Let's just say she is very popular in the complex , especially with her many and rare experiences living abroad! She parades quite the variety of men through the apartment.. recently its the Marine :) Oh Yum!..anyway.. Then there is Randi.. The accomplished wedding planner/business woman, the petite busy-body with a charm no guy could resist! Who wouldn't chase a catch like that! Let's not forget Lauren.. The hilariously cultured, walking contradictory of stereotypes. I cant remember a time in the last month and a half I haven't completely died of laughter in her presence.. I especially adore some of her very 'coffee shop' habits like: actually driving to Barnes & Noble with full intent to sit down and read, and enjoy it!! Cute right! And my personal favorite.. "going for sushi" Yes! she actually finds the best place in town, suits up and "goes for sushi!" I am loving it! I feel like I am in an episode of 'Friends' with a better wardrobe around this one! There isn't a mixture of words to describe the next little treat in the apartment.. Carly.. anything I say about Carly will be an insulting understatement to her constant 24/7 mobile volume, her permanent smile and her intense gift to flip her thick brown hair while dominating the room, regardless of its size or its college student capacity. Then there is me and the one and only Amy, Emily, Khloe, Alice and Ames Heslop!  I have found it a true blessing to live with these priceless treasures! Not to mention their 7 dwarfs EACH. This is the only math you will see me do so you may want to take note of it: 5x7=35 men per day in this poor apartment. And on rare occasion there is one there for me :/. At any rate the personalities, looks and mental stability of this plethora range from boy to R.M., peter to perv, tomato to tomato, dumb to dumber and smokin' hot to just smokin' pot. Classy I know.
And I thought Sevier county had it all.. . . .
However, there are those bonding moments when the door and the windows are wide open; the cool, rainy air is flowing in and we are making fresh avocado while Jack Johnson's Banana Pancakes is quietly serenading the roomies but annoying me in the background [Dad, this is where I apply your famous words "Suffer in Silence"]Aside from that ...Those are the true bonding moments... Those are the times "I'm Lovin' the mood!" :) I wouldn't trade my 2nd family for anything or anyone.. . . . except Chad Micheal Murray.. . . . or a new car.. . . . and $50 in gas for the new car..or even $50 in gas for my car!
Hey it's every man for himself!....
Actually judging by the track record in this apartment I think it's safe to say there isn't a single man by himself!.. . .   Shoot I'm funny.

From left to right: Rhiannon (English)
Randi(Successful) Carly (Psycho) Amy (Fabulous)
Lauren (Trendy) Me (Duh!:)



  1. Glad you picked that picture out of all the 9258230958209 pics we have................................ love you and your great blog posts

  2. So hear I am, should be doing homework, but I am anticipating another EPIC blog to be on here, and when hopes were crushed I settled for this little charmer!
    Anyways to the point here, I just envy what you have here. Everyone says you meet a ton of people in college, what they don't tell you is it's always your roommates! You really are so lucky to have such great roommates and to actually hang out, and talk, or even acknowledge each other!That's something special here. I hope when I move in, I'll be able to experience just a glimpse of this. I'd give anything to have roommates who talk to me and hang out with me, I'm so desperate to, I'm even going against everything I said I wouldn't and sharing a room with a complete stranger in a house filled with even more strangers! But this just makes me so happy and really gives me hope that I'll have some great roommates!
    p.s. you'll have to give me some great tips on how to break the awkward block of ice with the new roomies!
