Thursday, October 6, 2011

Men... such characters.

ever feel like you want to be the 'Allie' in some 'Noah's' life? Or have Danny and Rafe fight to win your affections? umm either :/ Okay. Yes I do. I think every girl has this dream at one point or another. I have been in the 'college' world for one month and almost two weeks! Sounds not long but I feel like I have been here for a good six months. Anyway in the short time I have been up here, two hours away from home, I have had the privilege of meeting every possible version of man. Let's explore! The Tom Hanks: subtle,sweet yet slightly but tolerably awkward. The sexy, popular Tom Cruise with the "girlfriend" on one arm while blowing a kiss to the girl from C1218 with the other. Let's not forget the Johnny Depp, who is clearly the rustic sexy, mysterious but surprisingly stands alone. I have come across an occasional Matt Damon: to hot for his own good with only one interest, and its not woman, it's unfortunately his career... Yes! big disappointment for the herd of drooling girls he unconsciously avoids. The Vin Diesel: Strong, straight faced and fearless..Doesn't say much but Great bod though. ;) Luckily I met the gem Jack Black: most "Friend Zone" worthy guy in the world, while being hilariously charming at the same time. And my personal favorite.. The Chad Micheal Murray: Let's just pay our respects for a second...yum!

AHAAalala! This is the type of man who is subtle, and almost irritatingly nonchalant [I would also give my first born for him.] The BEAUTiFUL, quiet one who makes you work so hard for the least amount of convo possible. And funny thing is I know that. However, I do the work anyway... Yeah I can't explain it either. These types of guys are few and far between and are of precious value because of these honorable qualities: 
1. SOOO HOT! mhmm.. anyway.
2. There is a certain careless, relaxed charm about them, but they know when and what to care about
3. Unexpectedly brilliant
4. Discrete about their feelings which leaves you daydreaming 
5. Drama does not exist in their world... yeah I don't believe it either!
7. Thinking about them makes me lose count..
6. They have a subconsciously hidden sensitive side<3
8. They mean what they say. 
All these qualities and more make up the man I deem as Just a Dream. Why, you ask? Because while walking toward this guy I attempt [and epically fail] at making flirty eye contact more then I care to admit. And I fail because he doesn't notice the female species..ever..
So there was a point to my blog today..
Too bad I don't remember what it is..
Oh right! Men. There are so many types out there. 
Someone asked me the other day my type. I had such a complex answering this question. My preferred type and my actual type are two different things. I couldn't sit somewhere [the Hall of Flags for instance] and just point at "my type." There are the guys who walk the walk but don't talk the talk or they talk the talk but don't walk the walk so I'm just never certain. They might even talk the walk or walk the talk so really having a "Type" is just an ongoing experiment filled with awkward hugs, bad sushi and on Monday taking the long way to class. College boys can be a blessing but they can be a problem too. I ran into the Mormon version of Eminem last week and I must say some guys have quite the personality. And that's putting it mildly. 
I have always been a tad boy crazy! I like looking at all sorts of men but I will never walk up and pursue them, for a few reasons. 1) I don't go out of my way to meet guys, too lazy! 2) Sometimes you have to play hard to get & 3)They are good looking but you know they know how pretty they are so I decide to just spare my self esteem the swift kick and carry on! In my 18 years of life I have only had three guys approach me and ask for my number..odd?? haha umm...
Boys are daily becoming bigger pansies about the whole 'Alfa Male' concept! It's sad! They don't work for the girl they want anymore. If she isn't convenient she is just another dusty contact in his cell. 
I am pretty sure I am an amateur when it comes to men. So I will keep learning and keep blogging about it! ha! Out of the many characters I have met up here there hasn't been one who I didn't adore for his own special..ness?? 
Okay Ladies one last word of advice: Don't try to understand men, Don't expect special treatment until you get it and men are players.. learn to 'Play the Game!" ;)


  1. Very nice :) I am impressed and you had me interested all the way through. Blog more about your guy experiences. The mormon version of eminem! Hahaha

  2. Love it! Good job Shannell :)

  3. Nicely done , I would like to see the financial blog. Ever feel like a million bucks when your account is over drawn

  4. Where does "excessive strength" come in on your honorable qualities?
